Magic coonie







      Ravini Cat's                                                    Int. Ch.  
     Athena Lindia                                           Big Giants Cansas
Color: blue tabby blotched white                                                         Color: blue solid

Possible colouring: blue tabby, blue tabby white, ...

Wij danken Martine van Cattery Ravini Cat's om het mogelijk maken van deze combinatie.

We thank Martine of Cattery Ravini Cat's for possible making of this combination.


Nature is the boss, plans can always change.










       Ravini Cat's                                        A Winerau's Xavi
    Zsophia Alexia
                                                      Colour: red tabby classic          

Colour: black torbie blotched and white

Possible colouring: Red tabby, Red tabby white, Black tabby, Black tabby white, Black tortie tabby, Black tortie tabby white, ...



Als Zsophia getest, oud genoeg en er klaar voor is, zal zij eind van het jaar gedekt mogen worden.

When Zsophia is tested, old enough en ready, than she may go by her boyfriend at the end of the year.



Wij danken Ariane van Cattery Aricoone Cat's om het mogelijk maken van deze combinatie.

We thank Ariane of Cattery Aricoone Cat's for possible making of this combination.


Nature is the boss, plans can always change.



� 2007-2010Magic Coonie